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Why is Water Filtration Important For Pittsburgh Restaurants?

Dec 01, 2023

Importance of Water Filtration

Water is essential in any restaurant, from cooking and cleaning to creating beverages. However, water quality can greatly impact your customers' taste and their overall experience. Investing in a water filtration system for your Pittsburgh restaurant is crucial as it can improve the water quality and provide various benefits. 

At Aqua Solutions, we offer a range of commercial water filtration solutions to help improve the water quality of your restaurant. Our professional installation services ensure that your water filtration system is properly installed and maintained for optimal performance. 

Let's take a deeper look at the benefits of having a water filtration system in your restaurant and the types of systems available.

Benefits of Water Filtration Systems

Commercial water filtration offers restaurants a variety of benefits to your business and your customers, including: 

Improved Taste and Quality

A professional water filtration system removes impurities and contaminants, resulting in clean and clear water that enhances the taste of the food and drinks. By blocking out limescale and chlorine, which greatly affect the taste and smell of ice and water, the beverages you serve will taste better and be more enjoyable for customers, helping you give them the best experience possible. 

Cost Savings

Using a filtration system can save money on purchasing bottled water or constantly replacing equipment damaged by hard water buildup. This will help you save money that can be allocated to improve other areas of the business to further improve the experience of customers and employees. 


Installing a filtration system reduces plastic waste from single-use bottles, making your restaurant more environmentally friendly. 

Health and Sanitation

Filtration systems remove harmful bacteria, chemicals, sediments, and other pollutants from water, ensuring the safety and cleanliness of your establishment. Water filtration also helps you prevent being affected by a municipal water contamination problem. 

Improves Equipment Function

When you filter out the unwanted sediments from the water that can damage equipment components, you can help improve the efficiency and lifespan of the equipment. This helps to reduce the number of repairs and equipment service calls. 

How Can Water Filtration Help My Employees? 

As a restaurant owner, providing your employees with clean and safe water to drink can improve their health and productivity. Water filtration removes impurities that can cause illness or discomfort, ensuring your staff stays healthy and hydrated throughout the day. 

Additionally, if you have hard water, adding a water softener can help keep the skin from drying out during frequent handwashing and can also help get dishes and other equipment cleaner by improving how the detergent cleans. 

Water Filtration and Your Ice Machine 

If your restaurant offers ice to customers, using a filtration system can greatly improve the quality of the ice. Without proper filtration, limescale buildup in the machine can cause operational issues and produce cloudy or dirty-looking ice. 

A water filtration system helps prevent these problems by removing impurities and producing clearer, better-tasting ice for your customers. It can also help reduce energy costs for running the ice machine and help it run more efficiently. 

Types of Water Filtration Systems

There are various types of commercial water filtration systems available for restaurants, including:

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) System: This system uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove contaminants from water.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) System: UV light kills bacteria and viruses in the water.
  • Carbon Filtration System: This system uses activated carbon to absorb impurities and improve taste.
  • Standard Filters: These filters remove particles, odors, sediment, and chlorine from water. They can be cartridge devices, loose media tank-style designs, or sediment filters. 

Commercial Water Softeners for Your Restaurant

Aside from filtration systems, installing a water softener can also benefit restaurants. Water softening systems use resin beads to remove minerals like calcium and magnesium that cause you to have hard water. 

Hard water can clog pipes, damage equipment, leave spots on dishes, and cause limescale buildup in coffee machines and other appliances. With a commercial water softener, you can prevent these issues and improve the longevity of your equipment. 

Should I Have My Restaurant Water Tested? 

At Aqua Solutions, we recommend having your restaurant's water quality tested before installing a filtration system. This will help us determine which type of filter is best for your specific needs. We also suggest regular maintenance and testing to keep your system running efficiently and effectively.

Why Hire a Professional for Water Filter Installation?

While there are DIY options for installing a water filtration system, hiring a professional is best. A professional water filtration service in Pittsburgh will provide:

  • Expertise and Knowledge: Professional technicians have the experience and knowledge to install and maintain a water filtration system for your restaurant properly.
  • Customization: A professional can assess your needs and design a filtration system tailored to your restaurant's requirements.
  • Quality Assurance: By hiring a reputable company, you can ensure that the water filtration installation is done correctly and efficiently, avoiding any potential issues in the future.

Investing in a water filtration system for your Pittsburgh restaurant is a wise decision that can benefit your business, customers, and the environment. 

Trust in Aqua Solutions for Your Commercial Water Filtration Needs

At Aqua Solutions, we understand the importance of clean and safe water for your Pittsburgh restaurant. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality installation services and maintenance to ensure your water filtration system meets all your needs. 

Contact us today to learn more about our commercial water filtration solutions and how we can help improve the overall experience for your customers and employees. Let us take care of your restaurant's water quality so you can focus on delivering delicious food and exceptional service. 

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